Sunday, December 2, 2007


Ron Paul supporters from all over the country came to new hampshire yesterday to help with a HUGE canvassing event to do voter IDing and spread the word about ron paul. we met at different locations throughout the state and instructions, packets, and ron paul paraphanalia was distributed.

then afterwards we all met up at Murphy's Taproom in Manchester to celebrate, meet everyone else and just have a good time. Murphys is owned by a Free state project member and they love Ron Paul. There was also a Monarchs game going on at the verizon building and we all held signs outside while people were leaving the game. Ron Paul came by to tell everyone thanks for being there and volunteering.

here are some of the pics i took and the video of Ron Pauls speech.

Me and Vijay, OFLD's founder

Linda and Trevor lyman

hunter and tracy


santa LOVES ron paul

someone made Ron Paul a cake

Ron paul shows up to a very enthusiastic crowd

he signed plenty of autographs

including my money :)

we talked him into giving a speech (video below)

and everyone was really excited, and some supporters just wore themselves out

Ron pauls speech

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